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Washington D.C. St. Patrick's Day Reception

On Thursday, March 10 alumni, family and friends living or working in the D.C. area are invited to join the College and other Jaspers for an evening reception hosted by Elli Nesbitt '81 and Tony Kavanagh '82 at James Hoban's Irish Restaurant & Bar (1 Dupont Circle NW, Washington, D.C.). The reception will begin at 6 p.m. in the Hoban Room. The cost of the event is $35 per person. Advance registration is required.

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Washington D.C. St. Patrick's Day Reception
Join other DC-area Jaspers for an evening reception at James Hoban's.
Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Attendees: 1 $ 35.00 ea.

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